Ask the doctor
Ask the doctor is a completely free service to all our Mums in Bahrain members. You can ask our network of doctors any health related questions.
Of course, while many of us have dreams about relocating to a different country, the first thing that needs to be determined is if you’re going to qualify to move to Bahrain.
In order to stay in Bahrain for any length of time, you will need to obtain a Residency visa. This requires one person in the family to be ‘sponsored’. This is almost always the main person who is employed in the family, and they will be sponsored by their employer. Other family members will then obtain residency on a ‘family’ visa. Residency visas are arranged via the HR department of the main visa holder’s employer.
Once residency has been granted, each person will have their residency visa added to their passport, and they will also be issued with a CPR card. To obtain this, they will usually need to attend the Ministry of XXX buildings in Isa Town. An appointment to do this will usually be arranged via the main visa holder’s HR department.
Once you have a CPR, you will need to have this on you at all times, as proof of your identity and that you have permission to be in Bahrain. It is also common for you to be asked to hand over your CPR when you are visiting buildings that have security requirements - you will be issued with some sort of other ID card by security staff, in exchange for your CPR, and then your CPR will be handed back when you leave. Be sure, however, that you only ever hand over your CPR to a legitimate security employee.
Currently, every nationality entering the Bahrain needs a visa except Passport holders of GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) States, (i.e. nationals of Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates) and visitors who have been resident in the GCC for a minimum of six months, and who possess a return visa for the country of GCC residency.
Under the new visa policy, being implemented in stages between October 2014 and early 2015, visitors from 66 countries will be able to receive visas upon arrival in Bahrain.
Visitors from a further 36 countries will also be able to exclusively obtain electronic visas, bringing the overall total of countries eligible to receive e-visas to 102.hese visitors will also be eligible to apply for their visas electronically ahead of their arrival in the Kingdom, further easing their travel experience.
Countries Eligible for E-Visa: India, Jordan, Pakistan, Haiti, Indonesia, Grenada, Taiwan, Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin Saint, South Africa, US Virgin Islands*
E-visas can be obtained ahead of travel through a simple online application process, at http://www.evisa.gov.bh/.
1.Tourist Visa
Tourist visas can be obtained at the Bahrain International Airport or at the King Fahad Causeway for:
♦ Citizens of the European Community, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan or Hong Kong.
♦ Visitors who have been resident in the GCC for a minimum of six months, and who possess a return visa for the country of GCC residency.
All the above must have a validpassport and return ticket, they must have no criminal record or involvememt in activities that could threaten public order or national security.
Visitors must not seek employment while in Bahrain.
♦Fee: For a stay of 2 weeks, BD25 each.
2. 72-Hour Visa / 7-Day visa:
Can be obtained on arrival at the Bahrain International Airport or at the King Fahad Causeway.
These visas are mainly intended for business visits, trade delegations, attending exhibitions and seminars. Apart from the passport, the passenger must possess a confirmed return or onward journey ticket for his/her visa application to be processed. Foreign nationals who have lived for six months in a GCC State are automatically granted a 72-hour visa on arrival.
♦Fee: 72-hour Visa - BD10, 7-day visa BD15.
3. Visit Visa:
Issued to foreign nationals who intend to visit Bahrain to meet their relatives or friends. The application for a visit visa must be made by a local sponsor to the General Directorate of Immigration and Passports (GDIP). The visit visa is normally valid for one month's stay in Bahrain, but can sometimes be extended up to a maximum of three months. A person on a visit visa cannot work or engage in business activities during his/her stay in Bahrain.
♦Fee: BD25
4. Business Visa
This type of visa is a similar to that of a visit visa, except that the purpose of the visit is business.
♦Fee: BD42 (multiple entry, valid for 6 months).
5. Family Visa
Granted to a wife and children joining the husband/father.The family visa holder may not take up gainful employement in Bahrain but can stay in Bahrain as long her husband stays.
♦Fee: BD22
6. Dependent Visa
Granted to dependants of a Bahrain resident. The visa holder cannot take up gainful employement in Bahrain but can stay as long as the head of the household stays.
7. Employment Visa
Required to work legally in Bahrain and become a resident of Bahrain. A work permit is required from the Ministry of Labour and a No objection Certificate from Directorate of Immigration before this visa is granted.
♦Fee: BD15.
*NOTE: Entry regulations and fees are subject to change without notice. Please contact the nearest Bahrain mission to confirm current entry rules.
Ask the doctor is a completely free service to all our Mums in Bahrain members. You can ask our network of doctors any health related questions.
A birth certificate is often needed for satisfying guidelines for proving birth, age, name, parentage and place of birth. Follow the steps outlined in this article to acquire a certificate.
The start of the new year, or joining a new school after a relocation, can be a daunting prospect for both children and parents.
Moving to a new country is an exciting but daunting prospect. We've put together information to help you both before & during your move to Bahrain
Here we at Mums in Bahrain have put together some ideas, listing and resources that can help you and your children start school with confidence and success.