Ask the doctor
Ask the doctor is a completely free service to all our Mums in Bahrain members. You can ask our network of doctors any health related questions.
Schools in Bahrain have three semesters with a long summer break and a fairly short winter break. The school holidays differ by a day or two from school to school but generally most schools will begin and end in the same week. Please note that the Islamic holidays are approximate and rely on the sighting of the moon for confirmation.
Autumn Term 2017
First day of term – Sunday 6th September
Eid El Adha – September 6st - September 3rd
Islamic New Year (Al Hijra) - September 21st
Ashoora - October 1st and 2nd
Half Term - October 31st until November 2nd
Prophet’s Birthday* – December 3rd
Last Day of Term – December 14th
Spring Term 2018
First day of term – January 4th
Half Term – February 20th until 23rd
Last Day of Term – March 29th
Summer Term 2018
First day of term – April 8th
Labour Day – May 1st
Half Term (Includes Eid Al Fitr) – June 14th until June 18th
Last Day of Term – June 28th
Ask the doctor is a completely free service to all our Mums in Bahrain members. You can ask our network of doctors any health related questions.
A birth certificate is often needed for satisfying guidelines for proving birth, age, name, parentage and place of birth. Follow the steps outlined in this article to acquire a certificate.
The start of the new year, or joining a new school after a relocation, can be a daunting prospect for both children and parents.
Moving to a new country is an exciting but daunting prospect. We've put together information to help you both before & during your move to Bahrain
Here we at Mums in Bahrain have put together some ideas, listing and resources that can help you and your children start school with confidence and success.