Ask the doctor
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Looking for Pharmacies companies in Bahrain? Find all Pharmacies in Bahrain that provides pharmaceutical products in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
Al Amal Pharmacy
Gudaibiya - Next to Universal Food Ctr.
Al Alawi Pharmacy
Zinj, Manama.
+973 1727 0260
Al Danah Pharmacy
P.O Box - 648
+973 1753 3759
Al Farabi Pharmacy
Sheikh Abdullah Road, Manama
+973 1727 3344
Al Fateh Pharmacy
Bldg-161, Rd-40, Blk-324,
+973 3664 8369
Al Hayat Pharmacy
PO. Box 617, Awal Residence, Salmaniya Ave
+973 1723 3545
Al Fateh Pharmacy
Bldg-41a, Rd-55, Blk-204, Muharraq
+973 3664 8369
Al Hakma Pharmacy & Supermarket (24hours)
Bldg 938, Rd 80, Jidhafs,
+973 1755 5835
Al Baraka Pharmacy
Bldg-41a, Rd-55, Blk-204, Muharraq
+973 3667 4707
Al Hidd Pharmacy
Bldg-295, Rd-208, Blk-102, Hidd
+973 3311 1610
Al Isaaf Pharmacy
Adliya, Manama
+973 1771 4061
Al Jazeera Pharmacy
Adliya, Manama
+973 1755 6066
Al Sadiq Pharmacy
PO. Box 28013
+973 1764 1068
Al Hidd Pharmacy
Bldg-295, Rd-208, Blk-102, Hidd
+973 3311 1610
Al Kindi Pharmacy
PO. Box 122 Al Ahli Shop No Ping Center Zinj
+973 - 17241381
Al Salam Pharmacy
P.O. Box 40168, Isa Town
+973 - 17686115
Bahrain Pharmacy & General Store WLL
P.O. Box 403, Manama
+973 - 17264088
Gulf Pharmacy & General Store
P.O. Box 2576, Manama
+973 - 17239381
Delmon Pharmacy
P.O. Box 684, Manama
+973 - 17699555
Nasser Pharmacy
P.O. Box 684, Manama
+973 - 17740900
Al Rahma Pharmacy
P.O. Box 40168, Isa Town
+973 - 17687117
Al Salam Pharmacy
P.O. Box 40168, Isa Town
+973 - 17686115
Al Razi Pharmacy
P.O. Box 40168, Isa Town
+973 - 17686115
Al Razi Pharmacy
P.O. Box 20455, Jidhafs
+973 - 17556000
Bahrain Pharmacy & General Store
PO. Box 403, Near Bab-Al-Bahrain, Bldg 109, Rd 14, 313, Central Market, Manama
+973 - 17264088
Dar Aldawa Pharmacy
P.O. Box 33350, Hamad Town
+973 - 17414744
Hashim Pharmacy
P.O. Box 5130, Manama
+973 - 17241229
Jassim Pharmacy
P.O. Box 1059, Manama
+973 - 17730710
Juffair Pharmacy
PO. Box 75372, Juffair, Manama
+973 - 17813860
Manama Pharmacy
P.O. Box 403
+973 - 17223544
Ask the doctor is a completely free service to all our Mums in Bahrain members. You can ask our network of doctors any health related questions.
A birth certificate is often needed for satisfying guidelines for proving birth, age, name, parentage and place of birth. Follow the steps outlined in this article to acquire a certificate.
The start of the new year, or joining a new school after a relocation, can be a daunting prospect for both children and parents.
Moving to a new country is an exciting but daunting prospect. We've put together information to help you both before & during your move to Bahrain
Here we at Mums in Bahrain have put together some ideas, listing and resources that can help you and your children start school with confidence and success.