Ask the doctor
Ask the doctor is a completely free service to all our Mums in Bahrain members. You can ask our network of doctors any health related questions.
There are a number of charities that take donations of second hand clothes and other goods. These are either then given or sent to needy people, or sold to raise funds for their respective causes.
Contact+973 3888 4924
Email[email protected]
AddressP.O. Box 26135 Manama
LocationPO Box 26666, Building 2400, Road 5156, Block 951
Email[email protected]
Contact1762 2102 / 3965 4343
Contact1729 3363
Contact 1778 9191
Contact1773 0960
Contact3971 7609
Contact1778 9191
Contact1768 0500
Contact3939 4522
Contact3946 5378
Contact1753 3558
Contact1721 3825
Contact1753 1822
Contact1762 4496
Contact1768 0815
Contact1772 0053
Contact1777 5444
Ask the doctor is a completely free service to all our Mums in Bahrain members. You can ask our network of doctors any health related questions.
A birth certificate is often needed for satisfying guidelines for proving birth, age, name, parentage and place of birth. Follow the steps outlined in this article to acquire a certificate.
The start of the new year, or joining a new school after a relocation, can be a daunting prospect for both children and parents.
Moving to a new country is an exciting but daunting prospect. We've put together information to help you both before & during your move to Bahrain
Here we at Mums in Bahrain have put together some ideas, listing and resources that can help you and your children start school with confidence and success.