Ask the doctor
Ask the doctor is a completely free service to all our Mums in Bahrain members. You can ask our network of doctors any health related questions.
Schools in Bahrain are governed by the Ministry of Education in the Kingdom and have to comply with the rigorous rules and regulations set by the Ministry. Education is compulsory for all students in the Kingdom of Bahrain and free education is offered to both Bahraini and non-Bahraini nationals in the public schools. The Ministry also provides free transport to the students who live far away from the public schools that they are attending.
Contact+973 - 17770423
Contact 1772 2144
LocationAl Mahooz
Website www.alfatehpreschool.com
Email [email protected]
AddressP.O. Box 15415, Manama
Contact(+973) 17699595
LocationAbu Saiba
Email[email protected]
AddressRoad 7514, Abu Saiba
Contact13613972, 39380018
Email[email protected]
AddressNext to AMH
Contact+973 77991111
Locationbehind Body line compound near Saar
Email[email protected]
Address73 Avenue 21, Saar 517
Email[email protected]
AddressVilla No. 539, Road No.7908, Block.579, Janabiya, Kingdom of Bahrain
LocationAdliya, Bahrain
Email[email protected]
Contactriffa: +973 17491488 - jurdab: +973 17484947
LocationRiffa brach - Judab brach
Email[email protected]
Contact+973 77082017
LocationSanad (behind Isa Town Health Center)
Email[email protected]
Contact38077758, 17840014
Email[email protected]
Contact 1771 5050
Website http://www.kidzworldkindergarten.com/
Email[email protected]
Contact3360097, 17799922
Email[email protected]
AddressBuilding 550. Road 7908, Block 579, Janabiyah, Bahrain
Contact1700 9598, 3800 1811
Email[email protected]
Contact00973 33558911
Email[email protected]
Little Starz is a British Curriculum, bi-lingual pre-school based in Riffa. The kindergarten programme at Little Starz is designed to help each child from 2 to 6 years old to reach their full potential in an environment that is challenging, secure and nurturing. We believe that young children learn through active, purposeful interactions with a wide variety of learning material and activities which develop the growth of the whole child. We encourage independence which builds self-esteem and want children to enjoy the process of education, so they look forward to their school day. Children should enjoy learning! Play is an important part of learning for children and our teachers encourage them to strive to learn new things, to open the world a little wider for each child.
Little Starz recognizes that children are unique and learn at different rates and in different ways, therefore we provide a diverse bi-lingual curriculum that is child- centered with hands-on exploration. We strive to teach children a sense of sharing and caring, encourage co-operative play, self-discipline and self-direction. Young children need a balance between their interests and experiences and well-timed guidance and instruction. They will find all that here at Little Starz!
Contact36554000, 36447000
Email[email protected]
Contact 1732 3770
LocationMuharraq Town
Email[email protected]
Contact 7701 7384, 3814 1271
Email[email protected]
Contact1700 2009
Email[email protected]
AddressVilla 4, Road No 1725, Block 517, Saar, Kingdom of Bahrain
Contact+973 17 252346
LocationUmjaileed Avenue
Email[email protected]
Ask the doctor is a completely free service to all our Mums in Bahrain members. You can ask our network of doctors any health related questions.
A birth certificate is often needed for satisfying guidelines for proving birth, age, name, parentage and place of birth. Follow the steps outlined in this article to acquire a certificate.
The start of the new year, or joining a new school after a relocation, can be a daunting prospect for both children and parents.
Moving to a new country is an exciting but daunting prospect. We've put together information to help you both before & during your move to Bahrain
Here we at Mums in Bahrain have put together some ideas, listing and resources that can help you and your children start school with confidence and success.