Ask the doctor
Ask the doctor is a completely free service to all our Mums in Bahrain members. You can ask our network of doctors any health related questions.
An interesting lunchbox has a variety of different items in it, to provide balanced nutrition and to add variety and choice to hungry, but sometimes choosy, eaters. It is good to include a range of ‘lunchbox staples’ as well as frequently changing exciting options: items such as fruit and vegetables, crackers, meat and dairy choices. Suggestions on what to include are:
♦VEGETABLE STICKS (cucumber, pepper, celery, carrot) along side a dip such as humus.
♦BITE-SIZED FRUIT (strawberries, raspberries, sliced peaches or nectarines, grapes, satsuma segments). Apples too, but they should have a little lemon juice on them to stop them from going brown.
♦A SIMPLE FRUIT SALAD can be made by combining several different bite-sized fruits and adding a little orange juice to keep them moist.
♦BREAD STICKS AND FLAT BREADS are a great choice, with a soft cheese dip or humus.
♦COOKED MEATS such as salami, ham, mortadella or pastrami are all good (make sure that the lunchbox has an ice compartment to keep them fresh though).
♦FRUIT YOGURTS OR FROMAGE FRAIS are another great choice to provide calcium and a little natural sweetness. Again, make sure that the lunchbox is kept cold.
♦CHEESE CUBES are also great favourites, and often go well with crackers or fruit.
NO JUNK FOOD! Fresh and healthy choices are the best options for your children.
USE A VARIETY OF GRAINS - there are lots available.
MIX AND MATCH a variety of items in the lunchbox, to tempt even the fussiest of hungry eaters.
BROADEN THE MENU - try new and exciting options as well as old favourites.
REVISIT BREAKFAST - morning favourites such as eggs, toast and bagels are all great options for later in the day.
HAVE FUN! Get creative with designs and colours to make the food interesting.
DON’T BE FOOLED BY LABELLING GIMMICKS - look carefully for the salt, fat and sugar contents on foods, and also check for nuts. Tips provided by the chefs at the Elite Residence, Seef
TO GET RID OF STALE ODOURS from a lunchbox, soak it in water along with lemon juice, bicarbonate of soda, sterilizing solution or vinegar. You can also try freezing it!
PACK A FROZEN ICE BLOCK (you can buy small, flexible ones from many supermarkets) in an insulated bag to keep the lunch chilled and fresh.
Ask the doctor is a completely free service to all our Mums in Bahrain members. You can ask our network of doctors any health related questions.
A birth certificate is often needed for satisfying guidelines for proving birth, age, name, parentage and place of birth. Follow the steps outlined in this article to acquire a certificate.
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