Ask the doctor
Ask the doctor is a completely free service to all our Mums in Bahrain members. You can ask our network of doctors any health related questions.
List of hospitals in Bahrain.
Al Kindi Specialised Hospital
Sanad, Zinj
1724 0444, 1748 8000
American Mission Hospital
Qudaibiya, PO Box 1, Manama
1725 3447
Bahrain Wellness Resort & Hospital
Gate 339, Avenue 35, Janabiyah Hwy, Al Janabiyah
1367 1419
Awali Hospital
P.O. Box 25555, Awali
Bahrain Al Shamil Rehabilitation Centre
P.O.Box 5201, Al Janousan, Budaiya
+973 17 591900 / 17 294476
Bahrain Al Shamil Rehabilitation Centre
P.O.Box 5201, Al Janousan, Budaiya
+973 17 591900 / 17 294476
Bahrain Royal Medical Services
Po Box 28743, Public Relations Department BDF Hospital, West Riffa
1776 6798
Bahrain Specialist Hospital
Rd No 2447, Manama 10588
1781 2080
Dermaplast Dr Tariq Hospital
Bldg. No. 284 Road No. 3306, Block 333, Al Mahooz
+973 17 822822
Geriatric Hospital
Building 263, Road 2617, Block No. 226, Busaiteen
German Orthopaedic Hospital
P.O Box 249, Building 99, Road 29, Block 329, Manama
1723 9988
Ibn Al-Nafees Hospital
Building 63, Road 3302, PO Box 54533, Manama
1782 8282 / 1782 8230
International Hospital of Bahrain
PO Box 1084, Budaiya Hwy, Jidhafs
1759 8222
Jidhafs maternity Hospital
Building 99, Road 29, Block 329, Manama
1723 9988
King Hamad Hospital
Shaikh Isa Bin Salman Causeway, Al Sayh
1744 4444
Muharraq Maternity Hospital
1732 2911
Psychiatric Hospital
Building 12, Road 2901, Block No.329, Salmaniya
+973 17279300
Riffa Maternity hospital
Shaikh Isa Bin Salman Causeway, Al Sayh
1744 4444
Riffa Maternity Hospital
Building 164, Road 311, Block No. 903, Riffa
Salmaniya Hospital
Building 164, Road 311, Block No. 903, Riffa
1725 5555
Royal Hospital Bahrain
Building 119, Road 29, King Abdul Aziz Avenue, Block 329, Salmaniya
1724 6800
Sitra Maternity Hospital
Building 425, Road 1, Block 607, Sitra
1773 0758
Western Region Maternity Hospital
Building 3211, Road 106, Block No. 1042, Shahrakan,
Ask the doctor is a completely free service to all our Mums in Bahrain members. You can ask our network of doctors any health related questions.
A birth certificate is often needed for satisfying guidelines for proving birth, age, name, parentage and place of birth. Follow the steps outlined in this article to acquire a certificate.
The start of the new year, or joining a new school after a relocation, can be a daunting prospect for both children and parents.
Moving to a new country is an exciting but daunting prospect. We've put together information to help you both before & during your move to Bahrain
Here we at Mums in Bahrain have put together some ideas, listing and resources that can help you and your children start school with confidence and success.